Medical Insurance Foreign Does Mexico Have Quality Medical Care Insurance At Affordable Rates?

Does Mexico have quality medical care insurance at affordable rates? - medical insurance foreign

I've heard that some retired Americans receive medical care to very good in Mexico for about $ 500 per year. Is that true?
It seems that doctors are trained in the United States abroad anyway so it can doctors in Mexico is almost as good as most people here in America now. (With the exception of the Mayo Clinic and other services, the expensive private care anyway, I never could)
What areas in Mexico are better for American retirees?


Charlie said...

You can enroll in the IMSS is the Mexican National Health Insurance program after moving here and establishing a residence. I am 65 years old American who retired in Mexico. Insurance rates are payable to age for those over 60 the highest price is based. This year, my premium is $ 270.00 for one year. The first year is limited to use (not for pre-existing.) Once that is, it includes everything that is not deductible. Private Healthcare paid only a fraction of what in the States. Some retired Americans, as in tourist areas with thousands of other gringos live. These areas are expensive. If you prefer an area with lower costs and fewer gringos, there are many good places. A small town near a big city is a good idea .. to reduce costs, but the benefits of a large city nearby. No web search for "retirement in Mexico. There is little information available.

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