Funny Bachelorette Invitations Wording Cute/funny Ways To Word The Bachelorette Party Invitations?

Cute/funny ways to word the bachelorette party invitations? - funny bachelorette invitations wording

I throw my best friend for a funeral of his party for his marriage (which no confidence in the Department of Health, with him), and I would very nice to send personalized invitations. What are some / cute fun way that I could invite to speak to? ;-) The rhymes are always very nice. Thank you a bunch!


jen said...

My party began as a fun Bachelorette Party, then open your clothes, then we are all headed for a night in the city.
The text of my invitation:
Justin and Jennifer are getting married on the point that
Baggy white T-shirts are no longer allowed on the bed
With your help and experience
Justin can bring to its knees
"Secret" or "Victoria's Lonely Hearts"
is the ideal place to start!
Once you find the perfect surprise
Come and see the excitement in the eyes of Jennifer
We invite you over for some fun and a few drinks
But our party needs a lot more than you think ...

bdftgsre... said...

"The last one before throwing the ring!"

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Celebrate the bride is done last hurray, as a single woman!

Walking on Sunshine said...

Well, depends on the subject as a celebration of cuisine, you can say:
Come all and provide good-bye
To Sally have ideas for a menu
Bring books and cooking pots, pans and more
It is one thing - that says it all
We have to throw in their marriage has only just begun
It will take more than love, if it is good!

or lingerie

Lace ruffles and pace
Passions that never end
A friend of his, and bring a little joy
to help our friend oustward
She goes to the altar, we all know
Help keep the fire burning
while she goes!

Hope this helps!

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