Tyrone In Pokemon Silver How Could The Clerk Have Known That Tyrone Wanted A 2-way Ticket?

How could the clerk have known that Tyrone wanted a 2-way ticket? - tyrone in pokemon silver

Shortly after the conclusion of the 2nd World War työn who was deaf and mute, looking to catch a train from Chicago to Detroit. His plan was to go shopping in the Motown and not return to Chicago on the same day. Tyrone looked over the counter and read the sign that says:

Chicago, Detroit, 50 cents.
Return Trip - 1.00

Communicate Without in any way to put Tyrone one U.S. dollars at the ATM, and the clerk gave him a return ticket.

As the Secretary knew that Tyrone was one round-trip?


Mrs_M said...

He paid for 4 quarters. If he paid a dollar, then it could be somebody. But since you are charged with 4 quarters of the employees knew he wanted the bill $ 1.00

luvguns2... said...

uhhhh ... I do not know

Shu said...

50 50 chance to do the right thing and they did.

Shu said...

50 50 chance to do the right thing and they did.

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